
In the ever-evolving world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), questions inevitably arise. Whether you’re a business owner trying to enhance your online presence, a marketer venturing into digital strategies, or a seasoned SEO professional staying updated with the latest trends, SEO can seem complex and overwhelming. Our SEO FAQs section is designed to simplify this complexity and provide clear, succinct answers to common queries about SEO. 

This section addresses a range of questions from basic concepts to advanced techniques, making it an invaluable resource for anyone interested in or working with SEO. Regardless of your SEO knowledge level, this section will help you gain deeper insights into the exciting field of SEO, clarifying doubts and facilitating a smoother journey in the world of digital marketing.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It’s a set of strategies aimed at improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. SEO is crucial for businesses as it helps to attract organic traffic, increasing exposure and potential customers.

SEO is a long-term strategy. Generally, it can take anywhere from three to six months to start seeing significant results. However, this varies based on the industry, the level of competition, and the effectiveness of the SEO strategies implemented.

Organic results are naturally ranked by search engine algorithms based on relevance to the search term, while paid results are advertisements for which a company has paid to appear at the top of the search results.

Keywords are words or phrases that people type into search engines when looking for a particular product, service, or piece of information. Choosing the right keywords involves understanding your audience, conducting keyword research, and analyzing the competition.

Local SEO focuses on optimising a website to be found in local search results. It’s essential for businesses with a physical location or those serving a specific geographic area. Local SEO can help attract customers from your local area to your business.

On-page SEO refers to optimisation techniques used on your website, such as keyword placement, content quality, meta tags, and usability. Off-page SEO involves strategies used outside your website to improve its search rankings, like backlinks, social media marketing, and influencer marketing.

Backlinks are links from other websites to yours. They’re important because search engines view them as a vote of confidence in your content. A higher number of quality backlinks can improve your site’s authority and search engine rankings.

While social media doesn’t directly affect SEO rankings, it can enhance SEO efforts by increasing traffic and brand awareness, facilitating content distribution, and potentially improving online visibility and organic search rankings.

Mobile SEO is the practice of optimising your website for mobile devices. Given the increasing prevalence of mobile browsing, it’s crucial to offer a seamless mobile experience to keep users engaged and improve your site’s search engine ranking.

A Google algorithm update is a change to the complex formulas Google uses to rank websites in search results. These updates aim to improve the relevance and quality of search results, and can sometimes significantly alter search rankings.

Website speed is a crucial factor in SEO. Search engines aim to provide the best user experience, and slow-loading sites can be frustrating for users. Hence, faster website speed can lead to better search rankings, lower bounce rates, and a better user experience.

A sudden drop in organic search rankings or traffic, despite no changes to your SEO strategy, can be a sign of a Google penalty. You can check Google Search Console for any notifications about penalties.

Duplicate content refers to substantial blocks of content within or across domains that are identical or very similar. This can confuse search engines and may result in lower rankings as they struggle to decide which version is more relevant to a given search query.

Google Analytics is a free tool that provides insights into how users find and interact with your website. It can track website traffic, user behaviour, and conversions, making it invaluable in understanding your audience and optimising your SEO strategy.

Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content to attract and engage a target audience. Good content attracts backlinks, keeps users on your site longer, and encourages social media shares—all factors that can boost your SEO efforts.

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content but don’t appear on the page itself. They can affect how your page is shown in search results, influencing click-through rates, which can indirectly influence SEO.

SEO and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) are two different strategies that can complement each other well. While SEO takes time to build organic traffic, PPC can provide immediate visibility on search engine results pages. Data from PPC campaigns can also provide valuable insights for SEO strategies.

To make your website more SEO-friendly, ensure it has a logical structure, is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and is mobile-friendly. Also, regularly update your site with high-quality, relevant content and properly utilise SEO techniques such as appropriate keyword use and meta tags.


Structured data is a type of code that makes it easier for search engines

User Experience (UX) involves the overall experience a person has while interacting with a website. Good UX can positively impact SEO by reducing bounce rates and increasing time spent on a page, which are factors search engines consider when ranking websites.

SERPs, or Search Engine Results Pages, are the pages displayed by search engines in response to a user’s query. They matter for SEO because the goal of SEO is to get your website to appear as high as possible on the SERPs for increased visibility and traffic.


Images and videos can enhance user engagement, provide visual context, and increase the time spent on your website. For SEO, it’s important to use high-quality media and include alt text for images for improved accessibility and keyword relevance.


Voice search SEO is optimising your website to rank for voice-based queries. With the growing popularity of voice assistants, it’s important to include conversational phrases in your SEO strategy to capture this emerging search behaviour.


A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your website, helping search engines understand your website’s structure and find new or updated pages. It’s important for SEO as it aids search engines in crawling and indexing your site effectively.


HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website you’re connected to. It’s important for SEO because search engines prefer secure sites, and it provides a safer experience for users.


Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate can negatively affect your SEO as it suggests to search engines that users are not finding your site useful or relevant.


Rich snippets are enhanced descriptions that appear in search results, often providing additional information like reviews or images. While they don’t directly impact SEO, they can improve click-through rates, which can positively affect your site’s ranking.


E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness, and it’s a framework Google uses to evaluate content quality. High E-A-T can improve your website’s ranking, making it an essential aspect of your SEO strategy.


SEO audits are comprehensive evaluations of your website to identify areas of improvement for SEO. They should be performed regularly—ideally every six months—to ensure your website remains optimised as search engine algorithms and best practices evolve.


SEO copywriting is the practice of writing quality content that both appeals to readers and includes specific keywords to improve a website’s SEO. It’s important because well-written, keyword-rich content can improve visibility on search engines and attract more traffic.


Link equity, also known as ‘link juice’, refers to the SEO value a link passes from one page to another. High-quality backlinks can pass more link equity, improving the recipient page’s ranking potential.


White hat SEO refers to the use of ethical techniques that align with search engine guidelines to improve rankings, while black hat SEO uses deceptive practices that can lead to penalties. White hat SEO is recommended for sustainable, long-term success.


Site architecture refers to the layout and structure of your website. A well-organised site architecture makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site and for users to navigate it, improving user experience and SEO.


A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files on your site they can or can’t request. It’s important for SEO because it helps guide search engines to the most important content and prevents them from wasting crawl budget on irrelevant or duplicate pages.


A 301 redirect is a permanent redirection from one URL to another. It should be used when a page has been moved or deleted to guide users and search engines to the new page, ensuring a smooth user experience and maintaining SEO value.


Negative SEO refers to malicious practices aimed at damaging a website’s SEO. It can be prevented through regular monitoring of your backlink profile, safeguarding your website from hacking, and immediately addressing any unusual activity.


A canonical tag tells search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page. It’s important for SEO because it helps prevent issues with duplicate content by directing search engines to the original version of the page.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires businesses to protect the personal data of EU citizens. For SEO, this impacts how data is collected via cookies and other tracking methods, which can influence data-driven strategies like personalised content or retargeting ads.


Long-tail keywords are specific, multi-word phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion potential. Including them in your SEO strategy can attract more relevant traffic, leading to higher conversion rates.


Guest blogging is writing content for other websites, often in exchange for a backlink. It can boost SEO by increasing your site’s backlink profile, expanding your audience, and establishing your authority in your field.


Semantic search seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding user intent and the contextual meaning of terms. It impacts SEO by emphasizing the importance of creating high-quality, contextually relevant content that answers users’ questions.


A featured snippet is a search result that appears at the top of Google’s organic results in response to a query. To get one, provide clear, concise answers to common questions in your content and structure your data effectively with schema markup.


A 404 error is displayed when a server can’t find the requested page. While occasional 404s are normal, many can negatively affect SEO by impacting user experience and potentially wasting crawl budget on non-existent pages.


An XML sitemap is a list of all the pages on your website that you want search engines to index. It’s important for SEO because it makes it easier for search engines to discover, crawl and index your site’s content, improving its visibility in search results.